Marimba bars are made from a synthetic compound called kelon, padauk, or Honduran rosewood on professional instruments. Rosewood is preferred more for this instrument due to the range and need for warmth in sound. The range may vary widely - anywhere from 3 octaves to 5 or more. This instrument sounds as written. Soft rubber or yarn wrapped mallets are most commonly used. The marimba has a vast geographic history: American, European, and African marimbas and xylophones all play an important role in the development of the instrument. The resonators should be tuned to the same frequency as the bars. Many marimbas come with tunable resonators, a feature that ensures a high quality sound regardless of climate conditions in various locations. The marimba has become the standard keyboard concert instrument within the percussion family. 4-mallet grips such as Stevens, Traditional cross-grip, Burton, and Musser will allow any player the ability to play contemporary literature for marimba. A comprehensive knowledge of repertoire and techniques will serve as a good foundation for general keyboard instrument playing.